Cultures of Change: Healing Our Identity
Cultures of Change: Healing Our Identity
Healing Winds: Conversation with Peho Howden - S2, Ep 13
Kia Ora and welcome to this episode of the Healing Our Identity podcast. I'm joined by Peho Howden, a Māori woman who has spent the last 17 years in Australia, Gold Coast. Peho is the founder and creator behind Healing Winds. She's a natural born seer, traditionally known as a Matakite. She was initiated into her work by her Ancestors through ancient shamanic tikanga. Although she does not boast about this as she understands full and well, the responsibilities that come with her practice and her gifts.
"So, a lot of the time when I'm working with people, especially when it comes to identity, I am standing up as the conduit, not as the healer, I stand up as the pipeline, the instrument, the vessel, literally so, you may have heard it, you may have heard people say those words, when I am literally that, when people come into this space."
You can connect directly with Peho and her work at Healing Winds on her website: https://www.healingwinds.com.au
Or Instagram and Facebook @healingwindsgc
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Erica x