Cultures of Change: Healing Our Identity
Cultures of Change: Healing Our Identity
Conversation with Sarahlee Bragg - S2, Ep6
In this episode I am joined Sarahlee Bragg, she is joining us from the Deep South of Aotearoa from the fishing village known as Bluff. Sarahlee is a Kaiako Matua, a head teacher, at the Bluff Kindergarten, as well as a Cultural and Spiritual Advisor for Southcoast Psychology in Invercargill. Supporting people to know who they come with and to connect with their ecological identity.
'Ko Takitimu te Maunga
Nō Motupohue ahau
Kei Murihiku tōku kāinga ināianei
Ko Te ara a kiwa te Moana
Ko Te Rau Aroha te Marae
Ko Ngai Tahu, Whakatohea, Ngati Ruanui nga iwi
Ko Sarahlee Bragg tōku ingoa'
'...When you talk to me about the importance of identity, it's like for me knowing my whenua (land) and knowing my to tupuna (ancestors) and knowing who I come from and the bones of my ancestors is paramount into how I walk and breathe and behave in the world as this human Sarahlee Bragg. It's like I don't know any other way to move through the world than knowing who I come with. It is such a blessing to do this sacred work within my own community.'
Sarahlee is also humbled and blessed to also co-facilitate the Divine Spark Tarot and Astrology NZ community, alongside Founder Kym McDonald, teaching courses on the depth and wisdom of the Tarot.
You can connect with Sarahlee directly on Facebook or Instagram @sezbluffie.
Follow along with the podcast @healingouridentity on Instagram.
For more on doing this deep work for yourself, I have recorded a masterclass for you called ‘Reclaim Your Identity’. It’s free and you can access it at
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Nga mihi,